There's are drawings that CousinKitkchen did! They are super good!!! She is great! Yep yep yep! When she comes home for Christmas
I can scan anyother pics she has. YEAH!!!! Well, enjoy!
This is Ryusuke. He will be appearing in later chapters. Isn't he cool?! CousinKitchen did a great job with him!!!! YEAH!
This is one of my favorite villeins! The Great Unatracter! YEAH! She's a real #@!$% Appearing in Chapter 6 I think
Elijah is one of my favorites! YEAH!! and CousinKitchen did a great job w/ him too!
How great is this pic!? I told CousinKitchen last night on IM that she was great and this proves it!!!!! YEAH!!!!! You go
girl! teehee!
And this one is Ben. CousinKitchens favorite character! He is hunky!! he doesnt come it till Chapter 8 I think. Not quite
sure about that one. But the planet hes on is his home world. She did a good job, no?!