Name: Jamie Wakai
Gender: Female
Age: 22 years old
Birth Date: July 30th
Birthplace: Uim (Sea, Ocean, Beach)
Family: Mother and Father (Geniuses) 11 brothers and sisters
Hair: Green
Eyes: Pink (cat-like eyes)
Body: 5'6 skinny
Marks:(Scars, tattoos, etc.) n/a
Home: Spaceship Satan
Bedroom: Near engine room
Most Prized Possession: Kain
Hobbies: " fix things!" making juice
Occupation: Former student at Radial Academy now Outlaw
Food: Juice and "Sloppy Jills"
Weaponry: None
Fighting Style: Controls fire, Speed, Marshal arts
Fears: Nothing
Goals: To make the best juice in the universe
Positive Characteristics: Mechanically inclined
Negative Characteristics: Not the brightest bulb in the box
Personality: Funny, Optimistic, Sweet, Smart, Athletic, jokester, Clever (if she's in danger)
History: When to school early cause her family couldn't stand her blowing up thier house, was a student in many of Kate's
classes, then became an Out law