Name: Beth Zyniker
Gender: Female
Age: 156 years old
Birth Date: April 2nd
Sora (Sky)
Family: Unknown
Hair: Blue, waist length, straight
Eyes: Violet
Body: 5'6 and slender
Marks: (Scars, tattoos, etc.) Wings, and birth marks on her wrists
Home: Spaceship Athena aka Satan
One of the many quarters, very clean, organized
Most Prized Possession: Her gloves
Hobbies: Archery, weaponry, thinking of joke about Kain
Occupation: Outlaw
Food: Anything
that isn't a dairy product
Weaponry: Two guns on her hips and a cross bow
Fighting Style(Powers/abilities):
Flight, Telepathic, Telekinetic, Super senses
Fears: Mindy
Goals: Not being arrested
Positive Characteristics:
Negative Characteristics: Not very kind
Personality: Pessimist, Funny Sarcastic
Nothing is known about Beth from before she joined with Kate and Jamie. She was found in a bar and is the only pilot
on board the ship until the males appear.